THE POWER OF DETERMINATION part 1 -min Precious πŸ’–

I am glad that you are here today to hear the word of God. I yield my self totally to Him to use me in bringing the “rhema” of God to you.

God has created you with a purpose in mind. The purpose is your destiny. It is destiny that produces dream or vision that you pursue. Dream is the result of discovered destiny. The fact that you have dream does not necessarily mean that you fulfill your destiny. In order to fulfill your destiny in life you need more than dream or vision.

There are other elements that make fulfilled destiny possible. These include planning, determination, dedication or commitment, focus or direction, discipline etc. I will be speaking to you on one of these elements, which I have titled “The Power of Determination”.

There are so many challenges that we face in our lives each day but God has given us the grace and ability to conquer them all. The bible says:

1 John 4:4 - Ye are of God, little children, and have overcome them: because greater is he that is in you, than he that is in the world.

It takes determination to be an over-comer. By the virtue of the fact that you’re of God, you will overcome every opposition and challenges in your life. There is nothing that can stand between you and God because the greater one is in you. It may seem at the beginning that you are losing ground but don’t give up for God is on your side.

• I remember the football match between Nigeria and Brazil in the 1996 Atlanta Olympic games. The match started with a lot of excitement and Brazil was very confident that they would win the match. The Nigerian side was regarded as the under dog. The Brazilians put on a good performance and scored first. After a while the Nigerians equalized. At the end of the first half the game ended in a 2 – 1 against Nigeria. In the second half Brazil scored another goal, making it 3 – 1. At this time many spectators including me lost hope. About 15 minutes to the end of the match Nigeria scored and the tally came to 3 – 2. Last minute to the end of the match Nigeria equalized. Brazil was shocked at what was happening. The game went into extra time. Nigeria eventually won the match with the golden goal scored some minutes into the extra time making the goal tally 4 – 3 against Brazil. Then the match ended.

It was then I realized that it is not over until God says it is over. It took determination on the side of the Nigeria team to come from defeat to winning the match. The spectators and many Nigerian officials have lost hope that Nigeria will win but it took determination and courage on the side of the boys to continue fighting knowing that it is not over until the final whistle is blown.

It is not over until God says it is over. Determination has to do with courage, being strong and of good cheer. God spoke to Joshua several times and in all those times He kept telling him to be of good courage and be strong (Joshua 1:6-7).

It is pathetic that many people do not fulfill the purpose for which God has made them. The reason is that they give up on the way to fulfilling their purpose in life. You will see an example in:

2 Timothy 4:10 - For Demas hath forsaken me, having loved this present world, and is departed unto Thessalonica; Crescens to Galatia, Titus unto Dalmatia.

Demas was a companion and fellow-labourer of Paul during his first imprisonment at Rome (Phm 1:24; Col 4:14). Paul called him a fellow laborer. It appears, however, that the love of the world afterwards mastered him, and he deserted the apostle (2Ti 4:10).John Mark could not stand the heat of the spiritual battle and abandoned Paul and Barnabas in the battle field (Acts 12:25, 13:13, 15:36-40). Paul was determined not to take him again in the missionary battle and as a result had a sharp disagreement with Barnabas. Barnabas was an encourager. He was able to motivate and encourage him. Paul recognized this and requested for him at the time of his death. Look at what he said:

2 Timothy 4:11 - … Take Mark, and bring him with thee: for he is profitable to me for the ministry.

How did he become profitable? He was profitable because Barnabas gave him another chance and encouraged him in the ministry. Today we know that he wrote one of the gospels. I am speaking to motivate you for the battle is on. You have another chance in the army of the Lord.


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